Sunday, February 1, 2009

Brad O'Leary is Back!

Brad O'Leary went on tour across America during the election last year with his blockbuster bestseller, "The Audacity of Deceit," educating Americans about what to expect in an Obama administration. Now he's back this month to reach out via radio and TV to America to talk about how his warnings are coming to fruition and what we can expect in the months and years to come.

Audacity sat atop Amazon's election bestseller list and was ranked #1 in its "executive branch" category and #2 in its "current events" category. O'Leary's book also reached #78 on the Barnes & Noble rankings and was #41 on Tower Record and Books bestseller list. O'Leary is also the creator of the Web site which had one million visitors in only six weeks during the 2008 election cycle.

Go here to read the original blog.

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