Sunday, November 30, 2008

SandyPR Expert Commentators on the Top News Stories of November

Click on the links below for some great commentary on the hottest news stories in November - from the Election to the Mumbai India Terrorist Attacks.

11-5-08 McFarland on FNC - KT in the Pundit Pit on Fox News Channel - re: Obama picks.
11-5-08 McFarland on FNC - KT on America's Election HQ - re: Obama picks.
11-25-08 Reb Bradley on FNC - on his bestselling book, "Born Liberal Raised Right."
11-25-08 McFarland on FNC - on Russian President Medvedev visiting Venezuela and KT comments on the economy.
11-26-08 McFarland on FNC - KT on Gates as Secretary of Defense.
11-28-08 McFarland on FNC - KT on Iran nukes and the Mumbai terrorist attacks.
11-28-08 McFarland on MSNBC - KT covers the India terrorist attacks.
11-28-08 McFarland on MSNBC - How Obama will handle the Mumbai attacks.
11-28-08 Gabriel on FNC - Brigitte on Hannity & Colmes discussing the Mumbai attacks and terrorism.
11-29-08 Root on FNC - Wayne Allyn Root debates financial experts on the bailouts and the economic crisis on "Bulls & Bears."

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